Our holistic treatment helps you relieve insomnia without medication.

Stop fatigue, irritability, tiredness caused by insomnia.

Insomnia can lead to issues like irritability, depression, gastrointestinal symptoms, low energy and low motivation, poor concentration and focus, tension headaches. etc.

Affordable. Non-drug treatment.

Sleep Disorders And Their Treatment

Research shows around 25% of people in the United States experience insomnia each year. Sleeping pills’ adverse effects are well known and the risk-benefit balance remains a challenge.

Understanding Insomnia

Why can't I sleep?

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Some common side effects of medications for insomnia are:


Balance problems

Dry mouth

Daytime drowsiness

Change appetite

Sleeping pills are not always the best solution. People can become dependent on these medications, requiring them to sleep, and many develop tolerance, requiring more medication.

A person with insomnia has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Some consistently wake up too early.

Insomnia can play a role in the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

In some people, stress or a mental health issue like depression or anxiety is responsible for insomnia.

Sleeplessness can be bad for your health. With our treatment, you will learn that mental well-being is powerfully influenced by sleep.

Humanotherapy can help you with insomnia problems in a natural way. We can balance your energy and clean your chakras, bringing to you a state of calmness and relaxation.

Transform suffering, fear, tension, and worry into peaceful energy and Improve your mental

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person: body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

Everybody is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not working properly, other parts will be affected.

Our treatment involves fixing the cause of the condition and not just alleviating symptoms. We will help you make lifestyle changes and self-care to promote wellness.

Give me a call, I will spend enough time with you so I can gain a full understanding of your needs, and be able to design a treatment that is right for you.

All sessions are done online, via facetime, Whatsapp , or Skype. Other applications or meeting platforms can be considered if necessary, or for the client’s convenience.